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Bundles may be available for eligible USTA members
View sample
奋战海战安卓破解版下载- 全方位下载:2021-4-27 · 奋战海战安卓 破解版 奋战海战 时间:2021-04-27 大小: 时间:2021-04-27 星级: 立即下载 奋战海战一款海上冒险游戏,游戏中玩家将变身海盗,自定义自己的船只,与敌人作战,并发现游戏世界中的第一块区域。最让人激动人心的部分就 ... |
$0.50 non-member
Each time you view a video, you will be charged; 24-hour viewing windows do not apply to replays.
Video race replays from participating tracks, available through the Race Replays search by race card, the Tracks search by race card, and on race race reports for a horse, driver, or trainer.
sgreen官网安卓 try the samples in the Video FAQs to ensure that you can watch replays on your computer.
$0.00 member
$0.00 non-member
工信部回应VPN指导意见:不会影响国内外用户正常使用 ...:2021-1-30 · 中国网1月30日讯国务院新闻办1月30日举行新闻发布会,华尔街日报记者就VPN相关情况在会上进行提问,"请您介绍一下于1月27日发布的关于VPN的指导意见 ... |
$0.00 member
$0.00 non-member
A list of races for a driver or trainer in a given year, with links to available replays for each race. Accessed via the Horse Performance report or Racelines Selection page.
$0.00 member
$0.00 non-member
A list of races for a driver or trainer in a given year, with links to available replays for each race. Accessed via the Horse Performance report or Racelines Selection page.
Bundles may be available for eligible USTA members
View sample
$0.00 member
$0.00 non-member
A summary of all rulings for a person issued by, or reported to, the USTA since 1984.
翻墙vpn:2021-5-21 · 巧玲vnp官网2021 俄罗斯梯子技巧 翻墙纸纸飞机英文名叫什么 番墙论坛 三色灯中r 免费梯子方法 嗨梯子破解版 win10怎么上外网 vp n免费版_"蓝.灯" 安卓 鲁商蓝岸新城 lartern4.6破解版无限 shadowrocket那里免费_天眼通加速器 P站DNS 佛跳墙 加速 蓝 |
$0.00 non-member
安卓ssr官网 |
Details of a specific ruling for a person. Accessed from the All or Annual Rulings reports.
SGreen浏览器下载-SGreen浏览器破解版下载-华军软件园:2021-1-4 · SGreen浏览器遍布全球12个国家,可访问Google、YouTube、Facebook、Twitter等各种热门网站,提供超极速、安全、流畅的网页浏览服务。华军软件园为您提供SGreen浏览器最新版下载。 |
$0.00 non-member
Summary of all rulings issued by, or reported to, the USTA since 1984. Each date range will incur an additional charge.
SGreenVNP官网下载:2021-10-9 · 【官网伢惠:买1年送3个月】SGreenVNP官网是提供提供SGreen VNP下载服务,可用于电脑PC,Mac,苹果iOS,Android安卓版APP,Linux、路由器VNP等SGreen VNP客户端官网下载,全球网络 … |
$0.00 non-member
安卓ssr官网 |
Summary of all rulings issued by, or reported to, the USTA for a specific year since 1984. Accessed from the Rulings Summary report.
Bundles may be available for eligible USTA members
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$0.00 member
$0.00 non-member
sgreen官网安卓 |
电脑p站进不去怎么办2021-百度经验:2021-2-18 · 电脑p站进不去怎么办2021,我想大家一直被站被墙的这个问题而烦恼,就不能有个比较稳定的方法吗?当然有的可伡上站而且还能上土鳖等其他国外网站, |
$0.00 member
$0.00 non-member
安卓ssr官网 |
List of all offenders with a given ruling issued at a given facility. Each date range will incur a new report charge. Accessed from the Major or Summary Rulings report for a facility.
Bundles may be available for eligible USTA members
View sample
$0.00 member
$0.00 non-member
安卓ssr官网 |
Summary of all rulings issued in a given state. Each date range will incur a new report charge.
$0.00 member
催眠异侠风清儿常识替换_世界的唯一城市篇_世界的唯一之 ...:狸猫vpm官网 万能修改器孕妇篇 极速 天行 催眠手机 天行app下载安装官网 末日新世界~牧场篇 天行破解版2021安卓版 世界调制系统春晚篇 sgreen官网 常识修改器h superⅤpn免费下载 神奇修改器txt 未删减 西部证券股份有限公司官网 逆天修改器小强 西部证券 |
List of all offenders with a given ruling issued in a given state. Each date range will incur a new report charge. Accessed from the Major or Summary Rulings report for a state.
Bundles may be available for eligible USTA members
View sample
$0.75 member
$1.00 non-member
Registration, ownership , pedigree, racing, and breeding summaries for a horse. Provides access to Paternal and Maternal Lines, plus Horse Ownership History.
$0.00 member
nutsvp.net官网 - 好看123:2021-6-14 · 5.nuts坚果加速器app版下载nuts坚果加速器安卓版v100花猪下载 点击前往 网站介绍:2021年8月28日 - nuts坚果加速器是一款非常好用的游戏加速器软件,软件有着独家的专利技术,可伡保证游戏的运行速度,让妈妈再也不用担心打游戏会卡了,而且这款软件也是... |
Details of all the generations of paternal lineage available in the USTA database.
Access from the Basic Horse Report, Horse Performance, or Sire/Dam Breeding Report.
$0.00 member
新云安卓网|安卓手机软件下载|安卓破解游戏|安 ...-新云软件园:2021-6-1 · 安卓游戏 更多 剑与家园公测版 1.23.18 安卓版 类型:策略塔防大小:758 MB 进入 极无双公测版 9.00.0 安卓版 类型:角色扮演大小:815.8 MB 进入 全民奇迹九游版 15.0.0 安卓版 类型:网络游戏大小:900 MB 进入 |
Details of all the generations of maternal lineage available in the USTA database.
Accessed from the Basic Horse Report, Horse Performance, or Sire/Dam Breeding Report.
$0.00 member
$0.00 non-member
Complete listing of a horse's current owners, prior owners, and breeders. Accessed from the Basic Horse report.
sgreen官网安卓 |
$0.00 member
安卓手机助手-PP助手官网:PP助手是一款专业的手机助手,让您的安卓手机更简单好用,轻松管理心爱手机。免费下载应用、视频和音乐、管理通讯录 ... |
List of Honors and World Records for a horse. Accessed via the trophy icon in the horse header from any horse report. Trophy icon is only visible for horses that have Honors or World Records.
Pure浏览器安卓最新版app|Pure浏览器官网安卓版下载V2.0.2 ...:2021-10-18 · Pure浏览器安卓版如其名字,它是一款极简绿色化的浏览器。浏览器该有的功能他都有,不仅如此Pure浏览器安装包体积不足1M,对手机内存小的用户来说简直是不可多得,拥有着广告拦截、流畅度提升等实用功能,是你口袋里迷你实用的上网浏览 ...
Potatso Lite苹果版下载_Potatso LiteiOS版免费下载-太平洋 ...:2021-1-24 · Potatso Lite苹果版是iPhone用户管理手机必备的工具!Potatso Lite下载后让你使用iOS设备更加流畅!Potatso Lite 为入门用户定制的轻量级网络工具,使用简洁。 |
$34.95 non-member
翻墙vpn:2021-5-21 · 巧玲vnp官网2021 俄罗斯梯子技巧 翻墙纸纸飞机英文名叫什么 番墙论坛 三色灯中r 免费梯子方法 嗨梯子破解版 win10怎么上外网 vp n免费版_"蓝.灯" 安卓 鲁商蓝岸新城 lartern4.6破解版无限 shadowrocket那里免费_天眼通加速器 P站DNS 佛跳墙 加速 蓝 |
SGreen安卓破解版|SGreen免费破解版 V3.0.0.1012 安卓版 ...:2021-3-3 · 酷鸟浏览器APP V2.0.0.1012 安卓最新版 任子行网行国际浏览器APP V2.0.0.1004 安卓手机版 SGreen绿叶浏览器APP V3.0.0.1012 安卓手机版 腾浪跨境浏览器手机版 V2.0.1.1020 安卓最新版 |
$2.75 non-member
A 5-generation pedigree that includes the record and earnings of ancestors.
$0.25 member
$0.50 non-member
5-generation pedigree that would result if two horses were mated. Both mates must be living, less than 25 years of age, and viablesexes. Common ancestors are color-coded.
QuickQ官方版下载 - 好看123:2021-1-22 · 1.quickq加速器安卓版quickq加速器安全稳定appquickq加速器软 点击前往 网站介绍:2021年3月19日 - 《quickq加速器》app是一款深受大家所喜爱的加速器软件,它能有效的帮助大家提升上网的速度,让大家在游戏中有效的避免卡顿现象,并且新人注册还能 ... |
$0.50 non-member
历时8年 百度PC浏览器正式宣布停止服务-百度,浏览器 ...:2021-9-30 · 9月30日消息,百度浏览器于昨日在其官网发布“百度PC浏览器停止服务公告”,正式宣布其有着8年历史的百度PC浏览器即刻终结。 事实上,早在今年5 ... |
Bundles may be available for eligible USTA members
View sample
$0.75 member
$1.00 non-member
Overview of a horse's racing career including ownership, pedigree, annual statistics, and the details about the most recent racing year.
$0.00 member
$0.00 non-member
Starts by year for a horse as far back as 1992. Provides access to a variety of race reports.
$0.50 member
$0.75 non-member
快7浏览器app官网下载安装_快7浏览器安卓客户端下载安装 ...:1 天前 · 本类热门推荐 专业风水罗盘安卓手机版v4.1 特别版安卓网络浏览立即下载 sedog磁力链接会员版v1.0 安卓版安卓网络浏览立即下载 三米影视免费版(影视播放) v1.0.2 安卓版安卓网络浏览立即下载 韩国风俗媚娘for android (韩国美女图片) v1.2 免费版安卓网络浏览立即下载 |
$0.50 member
$0.75 non-member
Detailed information by year about each race a horse has competed going back as far as 1992. Accessed via Horse Performance report or Racelines Summary page. Includes links to race replays.
$0.50 member
双核浏览器:2021-2-21 · 更新日志 版本:V3.0.1.62021年2月21日 1、升级到全新chromium75内核,上网更快更稳定; 2、伢化了原有的深色皮肤,视觉效果更自然美观; 3、伢化了书签管理页、历史记录页、扩展程序页等页面的展现形式与交互方式; 4、修复了部分遗留BUG. 5 ... |
Race cards by year for all races a horse competed in going back as far as 1992. Accessed via Horse Performance report or Racelines Summary page. Includes links to race replays.
$0.50 member
$0.75 non-member
Race cards by year for all races a horse competed in going back as far as 1992, with the addition of each horses' identification info. Accessed via Horse Performance report or Racelines Summary page. Includes links to race replays.
$0.75 member
$1.00 non-member
Summary for every race a horse has competed in since 1992. Accessed from the Horse Performance Report or Racelines Selection page. Includes links to race replays.
$3.75 member
$5.75 non-member
Extended information about each race for a horse since 1992, including date, track, class, purse, money won, quarter times, charted position, odds, driver, trainer, and first three finishers. Accessed from the Horse Performance report or Racelines Selection page. Includes links to race replays.
$4.75 member
$6.75 non-member
All race charts a horse has competed in since 1992. Accessed from the Horse Performance report or Racelines Selection page. Includes links to race replays.
$4.75 member
$6.75 non-member
All race charts a horse has competed in since 1992 with the addition of each horse's identification info. Accessed from the Horse Performance report or Racelines Selection page. Includes links to race replays.
$0.25 member
$0.50 non-member
Results chart for the last race in which a horse competed. Includes links to race replays. Free for the first 8 days after the race.
$0.00 member
$0.00 non-member
Complete entry chart of races a horse is currently entered into.
$0.75 member
$1.25 non-member
Specifically designed to assist horsemen in determining eligibility to race. Contains the horse’s lifetime summary, current year summary, prior-year summary, earnings and wins in the last 3, 5, 6, 8, and 10 starts, as well as the horse’s last 10 extended racelines.
Bundles may be available for eligible USTA members
$1.50 member
$2.75 non-member
Overview of production information for a sires's registered foals, including number of mares bred, number of foals registered, earnings by foal crop, current year's racing summary of his foals, numbers of standard record performers, number in 2:05, 2:00, and 1:55, top ten foals by earnings, top ten foals by record, and ownership. Use to drill down into Mares Bred by Year, Foals Registered by Year, and Yearling Sales by Year.
$0.75 member
$1.00 non-member
Sgreen浏览器-科学上网流畅访问Google、YouTube ...:2021-4-8 · 新用户注册可伡免费试用一个小时,签到也可伡领取使用时长!速度不错,就是价格比较贵,土豪可伡无视开通会员。免费撸几个小时用用还是可伡的,支持安卓,IOS,windows端. |
历时8年 百度PC浏览器正式宣布停止服务-百度,浏览器 ...:2021-9-30 · 9月30日消息,百度浏览器于昨日在其官网发布“百度PC浏览器停止服务公告”,正式宣布其有着8年历史的百度PC浏览器即刻终结。 事实上,早在今年5 ... |
$1.50 non-member
All the registered foals by a sire in a given year including registration number, sex, color, dam, sire of dam, record time, earnings, owner, and last year foal raced.
Accessed through the Breeding Report for a Sire.
$0.50 member
$0.75 non-member
只剩下门缝的VPN何去何从 - 手机新蓝网:2021-2-7 · 工信部严管VPN提速,北京商报记者调查发现,在iOS与安卓的手机应用商城中,VPN App种类多样,可伡畅游海外多国。不过,“翻墙”系违法行为,监管力度不断加大背后,VPN App不断上锁。 |
SGreen浏览器破解版|SGreen浏览器 V10.8.1000.19 免费版 ...:2021-3-3 · SGreen浏览器是一款功能强大的外网浏览器,软件采用双重加密技术和现在业内最先进的安全技术,能够轻松进行海外科研搜索,海外淘宝,海外社交无限制,可伡帮助用户解决地理位置受限而无法访问网站内容的问题。 |
$5.75 non-member
Listing of a sire's foals sorted by your choice of selection criteria, including name, record, earnings, dam, and year of foaling. Includes basic foal identification and LTD stats. Also links to Honors reported to the USTA for each foal.
$1.50 member
$2.75 non-member
Overview of production information for broodmare sire, including number of producing daughters; number of foals registered; total earnings of foals; earnings by foal crop; current and prior year's racing summary of foals; numbers of standard record, 2:05, 2:00, and 1:55 performers; listing of foals with sire and dam that can be sorted by money, time, year of foaling, etc.
$3.75 member
$5.75 non-member
Detailed report listing the foals descended from the chosen broodmare sire, sorted by selection criteria of your choice including name, record, earnings, dam, and year of foaling.
$1.00 member
$1.50 non-member
Overview of production information for a mare's registered foals, including year of foal, registration number, sire, sex, life-to-date record and earnings, last year raced, breeding dates, and stallions reported. Use to access Yearling Sales Prices for the dam.
双核浏览器:2021-9-26 · 更新日志 版本:V3.0.1.62021年09月26日 1、升级到全新chromium75内核,上网更快更稳定; 2、伢化了原有的深色皮肤,视觉效果更自然美观; 3、伢化了书签管理页、历史记录页、扩展程序页等页面的展现形式与交互方式; |
$0.00 non-member
催眠异侠风清儿常识替换_世界的唯一城市篇_世界的唯一之 ...:狸猫vpm官网 万能修改器孕妇篇 极速 天行 催眠手机 天行app下载安装官网 末日新世界~牧场篇 天行破解版2021安卓版 世界调制系统春晚篇 sgreen官网 常识修改器h superⅤpn免费下载 神奇修改器txt 未删减 西部证券股份有限公司官网 逆天修改器小强 西部证券 |
$0.50 member
$0.75 non-member
Reports listing the foals produced by a dam including year of foal, name, record, and earnings.
$0.25 member
$0.25 non-member
Entries and results for a Sire's foals. Entries are free. 6 months of results are available in 30-day periods. You will be charged for results for each month you pull.
Bundles may be available for eligible USTA members
View sample
$0.25 member
快7浏览器app官网下载安装_快7浏览器安卓客户端下载安装 ...:1 天前 · 本类热门推荐 专业风水罗盘安卓手机版v4.1 特别版安卓网络浏览立即下载 sedog磁力链接会员版v1.0 安卓版安卓网络浏览立即下载 三米影视免费版(影视播放) v1.0.2 安卓版安卓网络浏览立即下载 韩国风俗媚娘for android (韩国美女图片) v1.2 免费版安卓网络浏览立即下载 |
安卓ssr官网 |
Overview of membership information, driver/trainer performance, and horse ownership information for a person. Use to acces Affiliates/Members and Horses Owned reports.
sgreen官网安卓 |
$0.00 member
$0.00 non-member
Listing of the members and/or affiliates of a corporation, stable, farm, or individual. Accessed from the Basic Contact report.
猎豹浏览器手机版下载-猎豹浏览器官方最新手机版app下载 v5 ...:2021-12-9 · 猎豹浏览器官方最新手机版app是一款很好用的手机浏览软件,用户可伡在平台上浏览很多不同方面的网站,随时为用户提供非常热门和实用的网站,为用户提供想要浏览的内容,随时丰富自己的生活,享受极速冲浪的畅快感受,随时获取想要的内容。 |
$0.75 non-member
Listing of horses owned, bred, or leased by a corporation, stable, farm, or individual. Accessed from the Basic Contact report.
nutsvp.net官网 - 好看123:2021-6-14 · 5.nuts坚果加速器app版下载nuts坚果加速器安卓版v100花猪下载 点击前往 网站介绍:2021年8月28日 - nuts坚果加速器是一款非常好用的游戏加速器软件,软件有着独家的专利技术,可伡保证游戏的运行速度,让妈妈再也不用担心打游戏会卡了,而且这款软件也是... |
$0.75 non-member
Overview, broken down by year, of a driver or trainer's racing career.
$0.00 member
$0.00 non-member
Summary of annual races for a driver or trainer as far back as 1992, including both purse and non-purse starts. Use to access additional racing reports.
sgreen官网安卓 |
green网络加速器安卓游戏下载-green网络加速器安卓手机版 ...:2021-4-1 · green网络加速器安卓 授权方式:免费 游戏类型:安卓游戏 游戏大小: 3.1M 推荐星级: 游戏来源:网络 更新时间:2021-04-01 15:24 运行环境:Android 资源已下架 资源已下架 点击评论 |
$2.75 non-member
催眠异侠风清儿常识替换_世界的唯一城市篇_世界的唯一之 ...:狸猫vpm官网 万能修改器孕妇篇 极速 天行 催眠手机 天行app下载安装官网 末日新世界~牧场篇 天行破解版2021安卓版 世界调制系统春晚篇 sgreen官网 常识修改器h superⅤpn免费下载 神奇修改器txt 未删减 西部证券股份有限公司官网 逆天修改器小强 西部证券 |
$3.75 member
$5.75 non-member
More in-depth overview by year of races a driver/trainer has competed in, as far back as 1992, including info from the summary racelines, plus competition, quarter times, and odds. Accessed from the Driver/Trainer Performance or Racelines Selection reports. Includes links to race replays.
$3.75 member
$5.75 non-member
Complete charts for races a driver or trainer has competed in since 1992. Accessed from the Driver/Trainer Performance or Racing Summary reports. Includes links to race replays.
$5.00 member
$5.00 non-member
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Bundles may be available for eligible USTA members
$0.00 member
$0.00 non-member
Complete entries card for a track.
$0.00 member
$0.00 non-member
奋战海战安卓破解版下载- 全方位下载:2021-4-27 · 奋战海战安卓 破解版 奋战海战 时间:2021-04-27 大小: 时间:2021-04-27 星级: 立即下载 奋战海战一款海上冒险游戏,游戏中玩家将变身海盗,自定义自己的船只,与敌人作战,并发现游戏世界中的第一块区域。最让人激动人心的部分就 ... |
$0.00 member
催眠异侠风清儿常识替换_世界的唯一城市篇_世界的唯一之 ...:狸猫vpm官网 万能修改器孕妇篇 极速 天行 催眠手机 天行app下载安装官网 末日新世界~牧场篇 天行破解版2021安卓版 世界调制系统春晚篇 sgreen官网 常识修改器h superⅤpn免费下载 神奇修改器txt 未删减 西部证券股份有限公司官网 逆天修改器小强 西部证券 |
Entries charts on a card. Includes horse identification info.
Free for the first 7 days after the race.
$0.75 member
奋战海战安卓破解版下载- 全方位下载:2021-4-27 · 奋战海战安卓 破解版 奋战海战 时间:2021-04-27 大小: 时间:2021-04-27 星级: 立即下载 奋战海战一款海上冒险游戏,游戏中玩家将变身海盗,自定义自己的船只,与敌人作战,并发现游戏世界中的第一块区域。最让人激动人心的部分就 ... |
Results card for a track.
Free for the first 7 days after the race.
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$0.00 non-member
Races charts on a results card. Includes horse identification info.
Free for the first 7 days after the race.
Now save even more money!
Pay up front with a credit card to gain access to entire groups of reports for a specified
period of time. Some even auto-renew monthly, making it easier than ever to use Pathway.
Click here to watch a video about using bundles.
Create a list of racing horses, breeding horses, or people that can be filtered or
sorted. Quickly see useful info, keep notes, and define a report for each member of your stable.
Then, easily run up to 10 reports at once. Click here to watch a
video about using stables.
My Account:
A complete summary of your Pathway funds-on-account balance and usage and bundle purchase
and usage history. Plus, customize Pathway to suit your needs.
- Pay only for the reports you pull: avoid unnecessary fees
- 催眠异侠风清儿常识替换_世界的唯一城市篇_世界的唯一之 ...:狸猫vpm官网 万能修改器孕妇篇 极速 天行 催眠手机 天行app下载安装官网 末日新世界~牧场篇 天行破解版2021安卓版 世界调制系统春晚篇 sgreen官网 常识修改器h superⅤpn免费下载 神奇修改器txt 未删减 西部证券股份有限公司官网 逆天修改器小强 西部证券
- Use reports at a discount, if you are a current USTA member
- Receive monthly rewards for high-volume usage
- $10 of free usage, when you make your first deposit, if you''re a current USTA member
Create an online
USTA account through our My Account service, or login
to your existing account.
For instant access, use a credit card to
deposit funds through the USTA''s Online Services shopping cart.
Alternatively, current USTA members can opt to be invoiced by mail by
contacting a Pathway service rep (a one-time account set-up fee applies, and your
account will be inaccessible until the fee is received and processed).
Start pulling reports!